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Treatment guardianship is a limited form of guardianship in which the guardian appointed by the court is given authority to make decisions about psychiatric treatment only.


A treatment guardian can be appointed for a maximum of 12 months.  Once the appointment expires, another appointment may be made if it is deemed necessary by the patient's treatment team.


In order to request a treatment guardian, please use the form provided below and fax or securely e-mail it. By submitting a request form, Honor Guardianship will review the information provided and supply an appropriate Treatment Guardian. It is the responsibility of the requestor to petition the Courts for a hearing on the matter. This process is separate from requesting a treatment guardian.


A legal guardian is a person who has the legal authority (and the corresponding duty) to care for the personal and property interests of another person, called a protected person.


Usually, a person has the status of guardian because the ward is incapable of caring for his or her own interests due to incapacity or disability. 


Plenary guardianship generally means that the court has given full authority to make all medical, placement, and financial decisions. The court does, however, stipulate the authority in the court-issued order appointing guardianship.





Honor Guardianship Services has a database that holds contact information for the Treatment Guardian of each of the individuals we serve. 


Providers with necessary login credentials may check for currently appointed  HGS treatment guardians HERE.



The TG Database is currently down. Please call (505) 306-1466 ext. 2 for questions regarding TG status.



A court visitor interviews the person seeking appointment as guardian and the alleged incapacitated person. A written report is submitted to the court after evaluating the needs of the alleged incapacitated person.

A V.A. fiduciary is assigned when a veteran with benefits has been deemed incapacitated and unable to handle their own finances.

A field examiner from the V.A. determines incapacity and contacts the proposed fiduciary.



Consultation services are conducted by one of our skilled and experienced guardianship coordinators. The rate for these services has several determination factors. Please contact us for more inforamation.

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